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FAQs About D15 & OKHI-90

  • Q: Which scooter is better BGauss D15 or Okinawa OKHI-90?

    A: According to our average user rating, Okinawa OKHI-90 has a score of 3.8/5 while BGauss D15 is rated 3.7/5.
  • Q: Which scooter among BGauss D15 and Okinawa OKHI-90 is cheaper?

    A: BGauss D15 is the cheapest among these scooters.
  • Q: Which scooter between BGauss D15 and Okinawa OKHI-90 has a better range?

    A: Okinawa OKHI-90 (160 km) has a better range than BGauss D15 (115 km).
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BikeWale take utmost care in providing you the accurate information about prices, feature, specs, and colors for comparison of Okinawa OKHI-90 vs BGauss D15. However, BikeWale can't be held liable for any direct/indirect damage or loss. For comparison of Okinawa OKHI-90 vs BGauss D15, the base version has been considered. You can compare any version for the comparison of Okinawa OKHI-90 vs BGauss D15.